Style Scores
Visual -11
Social- 19
Solitary- 15
My Reflections
I am surprised to discover that I am not very much a visual learner (scoring 11) as I was never able to distinguish a word when spelt out to me orally but need to see the visual word to be able to read it. I have also prided myself to be a person of solid logic and it comes as a eye-opener to see that I only have 10 for logic!
I do agree that I am very much a social learner as I do enjoy having stimulating conversations where ideas are bounced off each other and another's refreshing perspective gives you a totally new way of looking at the same issue. I remember the term- 'paradigm shift' (meaning a shift from previous conception to form a new way of thinking) - term coined by Thomas Kuhn in 1962 in his book- "The Structure of scientific Revolution". One's pre-existing assumption or perception is challenged when there is an exchange of ideas and thoughts. Therefore I personally live by "Vygotsky's theory of social learning (1896-1934) where a social context is conducive for optimal learning.
My thinking process works best when my hands are working out on something or I am physically engaged. For example, the best ideas usually come to me during my morning jog. I also find it impossible to visualize , say a "Do-It-Yourself project" just be reading instructions. I have to get hands-on to figure it out.
Therefore, as a sum-up, looking at the graph, it appears that my learning styles are spread out, and I do not have a particularly pronounced strength in any areas, except for verbal. I do agree, that I have to read out loud to hear it before I can engage with the knowledge. However, with my work with young children as a teacher, I discover that learning is much more enhanced when what is spoken is matched with an image, a visual.
That is why ICT will fit the mode for today's highly visual learners. Young children born in this e-generation are exposed to many images from young. From my personal observation, it is almost impossible to hold a child's attention unless you have quick changing visuals.
You can find more about learning styles in the following link.
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