Monday, August 23, 2010

Futures Perspective

How would the future classroom like like?



Personal insight: I identify myself as a digital immigrant. Born in 1975, I am actually an in-between bewteen Generation X and Y. i remember only having to use the computer- Microsoft Word when I was attending a night course. Then I was already working and was 22! I now can see the advantages of harnassing technological tools to our advantage. Being a mother of 2 young children and taking a full-time university course, this would not have been possible if there was no e-learning available. I can now do my assignments when the children are asleep or access Moodle even in singapore (a 12 hours flight away).

A final thought: As digital immigrants, we can see the transformation of education and learning from a world without technology to one that is greatly dependent and enhanced by it. We are thus in an advantegous position to retain good teaching methodolgies of the past- tried and proven and use them in new ways, making effective use of technology.

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